This Adorable Baby Bunny Is Beyond Excited To Have His Afternoon Snack, D'awww
By Jessica Catcher
When your tummy grumbles, you know it's time for a snack. The joy of that mini-meal can be the perfect way to perk yourself up as the afternoon drags on. But you probably don't get anywhere near as happy as this precious little bunny.
He just can't contain his excitement while his caretaker doles out the yummy milk.
Look at those little legs go!
Not even the promise of chocolate cake could make me half as cute as this happy little guy. Can you imagine how much more adorable he is when he's playing or being cuddly? It might actually be too much to handle.
When You See What This Sneaky Baby Monkey Gets Away With, You'll Laugh Out Loud
By Grace Eire
Sibling rivalry starts at a very early age. Older brothers and sisters have been pushing little ones into puddles of mud since the dawn of time. So why wouldn't that same mentality translate to other species, too?
As long as everyone's safe and sound, I don't think there's anything wrong with a little bit of roughhousing. It builds character, right?
Watching This Adorable Chameleon's First Moments Of Life Is Truly Incredible
By Grace Eire
The miracle of life is just that...a miracle. Very rarely does one get to experience the moment that a creature from the animal kingdom enters this world. Which is why watching this beautiful chameleon's first moments outside of his shell is truly incredible. Not only is it amazing that a whole new life is entering the world, but it's a teeny, adorable version of life!
"Hellooo world!"
I can't believe how little he is! His funny little feet waving around, grasping at the open air, push this over the top of the cuteness scale for me. Excuse me while I do some research on what it takes to raise a chameleon!
Bet You Didn't Know That You've Been Peeling These 11 Foods Wrong All Along
By Emily Geraghty
Have you ever tried to peel a kiwi, a mango, or a pomegranate? Removing the skin from these foods is not as cut-and-dry as some other more common fruits. But you might also be wasting time peeling things like bananas, apples, and hard-boiled eggs without even knowing it. Check out the 11 peeling hacks below and discover the right way to get to your food faster.
1. Use a straw to push the leafy green top off of a strawberry. You won't lose any fruit.
2. Put your apple on a power drill and use a vegetable peeler to skin your apple faster than ever before.
3. Whack a pomegranate half with a wooden spoon to remove all of the seeds without losing any juice.
8. Another glass peeling hack -- get the most out of an avocado.
9. Pinch the bottom of a banana and pull if you have trouble pulling off the stem.
10. Put garlic in a bowl, cover it with a cutting board, and shake vigorously.
11. Peel off a bit of the bottom and top of the shell of a hard-boiled egg and blow.
I'm not sure I'll use a power drill to peel my apples from now on, but I'll definitely start using a straw to take the tops off my strawberries. Which one of these hacks will you use most often?
Take 24 Seconds Out Of Your Day To Appreciate This Hilarious Bird
We all know that birds can be pretty hilarious, but this bird might be one of the best. It saunters in and begins to cackle like a maniacal super villain...and it's priceless.
Watch this silly bird play a super villain and try not to smile.
Now, if they could teach it some kind of villainous catch-phrase, it would be a perfect performance.
This Puppy Was Rejected By His Mother, But See Who Stepped In To Save The Day
By Binny Gudjonsson
When this adorable little baby Shih Tzu puppy was abandoned by his mother, he found himself all alone in this big scary world of ours. Luckily, a cat who had just mothered a litter of kittens decided to adopt the little guy, treating the pup as if he was her own.
The little guy is now part of the cutest family you'll ever see. Just look at them together!
I love how the humans named him Hope. It's a truly fitting name for a puppy who came into the world with the odds stacked against him. I bet he has a wonderful life ahead of him with his new friends. Here's hoping!
Watching This Big Beast Baby A Stuffed Animal Will Warm Your Heart To The Max
By Grace Eire
Gorillas have been learning to communicate with humans for decades. By now, we know that they're compassionate, intelligent creatures that really aren't that different from you or me. So what happens when a gorilla who desperately wants a baby of her own is handed a stuffed animal?
First she loves it unconditionally...all of the snuggles.
That's right, folks. She's teaching the baby sign language, just like a person would teach their child how to speak. To me, it's heartbreaking that Koko doesn't have her own gorilla baby, because she'd really make a wonderful mother!
This May Look Like A Normal Horse, But The Truth Of What Happened Will Break You
By Jessica Catcher
When we think about animals in need of rescue, dogs, cats, and the various endangered creatures are usually the first to come to mind. But every breathing thing deserves a chance at a happy, healthy life. Sadly, that's something these horses, discovered in North Texas, were desperately lacking.
Over 40 horses were found abandoned, starving, and barely hanging on to life. There was also an overwhelming amount of evidence of those who had already passed. But thanks to the Humane Society of the United States, the ones that were left were given a second chance at life.
Warning: some of the footage is graphically heartbreaking.
It's staggering to imagine that many beautiful animals suffering so cruelly because of a careless human's actions. Thank goodness for the kind people who spend every day fighting for those who can't.
Every Animal Has A Heart, And This Sweet Little Hen Proves It
Bring your child to a farm and they'll likely start wandering around with hopes of meeting animals. While you'd normally be a tad worried about your kid meeting barnyard animals, it's not always a bad experience. Just watch what this hen did when it encountered a little boy. It'll change every bad thing you've ever heard about the often aggressive creatures.
Chickens truly have hearts bigger than I ever thought. And they're so cute, too!
A Little Girl Was Lost In The Wilderness, But Thanks To Her Dog, She Survived
By Jessica Catcher
When three-year-old Victoria got lost in the wilderness of Arizona, it took all night for authorities to finally locate her.
The long, cold night could have taken a harsh toll on the scared toddler, but thanks to a dog named Blue, she was able to feel safe and warm while waiting for rescue. Cuddled up with him, he kept a careful watch over her until help finally arrived by helicopter.
It's too sad to think about what might have happened to Victoria if Blue hadn't been by her side. Thank goodness he was there to make sure we never have to.
Yellowstone Tourists Got A Little Too Personal With A Momma Bear And Her Cubs
Yellowstone National Park is known for its multitude of bears. Big bears, little bears, momma bears, and baby bears all live in the park's limits and usually mind their own business. It's not too often when a visitor runs into one. However, when they do, it's best to give them a wide berth.
Unfortunately, this is exactly what this group of tourists forgot to do, and they were met with some truly hilarious results.
I know what you're thinking: why aren't they running?!
"These tourists were absolutely in danger," said Bob Gibson, Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Communication and Education Program Manager. "Black bears are usually shy of people. But you put them with their cubs and they get really protective. You never want to be between a bear and its cub."
Luckily, these cubs were 16 months old, meaning the mother was less defensive with strangers. Still, the moral of the story? Stay far, far away from bears.
19 Pictures That Are Examples Of Pure Nope
By Tim Unkenholz
Some pictures make you go "Aww". Some pictures make you say, "Beautiful!" Some pictures make you laugh. And then there are pictures that make you think NOPE! Here are the nopiest pictures that ever nope'd down from the kingdom of Nopelot.
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