This Dog Can Smell Cancer
This dog can smell cancer is 95% of the time Spot on. Lucy a cross between a Labrador retriever and an Irish water spaniel,can sniff out sniff out bladder, kidney and prostate cancer. She is part of one of the largest clinical trials of canine cancer detection.
The say that Dogs have two 'noses'
A human has 5 million sensors in their nose but dogs have a whopping 300 million sensors. Not only do they have all these sensors but they have a another smelling organ at the backs of their noses.
When dogs inhale, the airflow splits into two different flow paths, a fold of tissue just inside their nostril helps to separate these two functions. One for olfaction and one for respiration.”
Some dog breeds have been said to smell a drop of blood spilled in water equivalent to 20 Olympic swimming pools. Others are able to detect chemicals diluted to one part per trillion, which is the equivalent of one pinch of salt on 10,000 tons of potato chips. These numbers are almost too incredible to believe, and they are between 10,000 and 100,000 times better than humans.
The Medical Detection Dogs however cannot get funds to take their research any further. Dr. Sheryl Gabram said, "We submitted everywhere and could never get it funded to move the research any further." She thinks the problem is that while cancer-smelling dogs make for great headlines, it's not always easy to envision how sniffing out cancer could be used commercially
A study in Britain revealed that some dogs have special sniffing power that can detect cancer. The Medical Detection Dogs include these dogs to determine its efficacy and to prove canine's ability to accurately smell illnesses.
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